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General Essay Writing Tips – Essay Writing Center



Regardless of the way that, as Shakespeare said, “the pen is mightier than the sword,” the actual pen isn’t sufficient to make a successful essayist. As a matter of fact, however, we may all prefer to consider ourselves the following Shakespeare, motivation alone isn’t the way to powerful paper composing. The shows of English articles are surprisingly equation based – and, in numerous ways, it very well may be essentially as straightforward as building up to five.

Moves toward Composing an Article  

1. Peruse and figure out the brief:

Peruse and figure out the brief: Know precisely the exact thing that is being requested from you. It’s really smart to take apart the brief into parts.

2. Plan:

Plan: Conceptualizing and arranging your thoughts will make your life a lot simpler when you go to compose your paper.

Use and refer to sources: Properly investigate things. Use statements and reword from your sources, yet NEVER steal. 

3. Compose a Draft: 

Compose a Draft: Ernest Hemingway once said, “The main draft of anything is generally poop. 

4. Make areas of strength for a:

Make areas of strength for a: The proposal (primary contention) of the paper is the main thing you’ll compose. Make it a solid point. 

5. Answer the brief: 

Answer the brief: Whenever you have figured out any issues with your draft, you can begin composing the last draft of your exposition.

6. Edit:

Edit: Read your reaction cautiously to ensure that there are no slip-ups and that you missed nothing.

 On the off chance that one of these means isn’t material to the exposition you are composing, skip it and move to the following one.

The Five Passage Exposition

However further developed scholarly papers are a classification all their own, the essential secondary everyday schedule exposition has the accompanying normalized, five-passage structure:

However it might appear to be standard – and, indeed, it is – the thought behind this design is to make it simpler for the peruser to explore the thoughts set forth in an article. Get the idea of keyword radkappe entfernen

The Presentation

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The rule motivation behind the acquaintance is to present your situation (this is otherwise called the “proposition” or “contention”) on the main thing in need of attention however compelling basic passages are far beyond that. Before you even get to this postulation explanation, for instance, the exposition ought to start with a “snare” that catches the peruser’s eye and makes them need to peruse on. Instances of powerful snares incorporate important citations (“no man is an island”) or amazing measurements (“three out of four specialists report that… “).

 The proposition ought to be an unmistakable, one-sentence clarification of your place that leaves no question in the peruser’s psyche about which side you are on from the start of your paper.

Following the postulation, you ought to give a smaller-than-usual framework that reviews the models you will use to help your proposal in the remainder of the paper. Not in the least does this advise the peruser what’s in store in the passages to come yet it likewise gives them a more clear comprehension of what’s going on with the paper.

At long last, planning the last sentence in this way has the additional advantage of flawlessly moving the peruser to the primary section of the body of the paper. In this manner, we can see that the fundamental acquaintance needn’t bother with being considerably more than three or four sentences long. If yours is significantly longer you should think about altering it a little!

Here, via model, is an early on a section to an exposition because of the accompanying inquiry:

“No man is an island” and, thusly, he is continually formed and affected by his encounters. Individuals advance by doing and, likewise, advance impressively more from their errors than their prosperity. For confirmation of this, think about models from both science and ordinary experience.”You may also like to learn about was ist eine lichtmaschine

The Body Passages

The middle paragraphs of the essay are collectively known as the body paragraphs and, as alluded to above, the main purpose of a body paragraph is to spell out in detail the examples that support your thesis.

For the first body paragraph, you should use your strongest argument or most significant example unless some other more obvious beginning point (as in the case of chronological explanations) is required. The first sentence of this paragraph should be the topic sentence of the paragraph that directly relates to the examples listed in the mini-outline of the introductory paragraph.

A one-sentence body paragraph that simply cites the example of “George Washington” or “LeBron James” is not enough, however. No, following this an effective essay will follow up on this topic sentence by explaining to the reader, in detail, who or what an example is and, more importantly, why that example is relevant.

Even the most famous examples need context. For example, George Washington’s life was extremely complex – by using him as an example, do you intend to refer to his honesty, bravery, or maybe even his wooden teeth? The reader needs to know this and it is your job as the writer to paint the appropriate picture for them. To do this, it is a good idea to provide the reader with five or six relevant facts about the life (in general) or event (in particular) you believe most clearly illustrates your point.

Having done that, you then need to explain exactly why this example proves your thesis. The importance of this step cannot be understated (although it clearly can be underlined); this is, after all, the whole reason you are providing the example in the first place. Seal the deal by directly stating why this example is relevant.

Here is an example of a body paragraph to continue the essay begun above:

“Take, by way of example, Thomas Edison. The famed American inventor rose to prominence in the late 19th century because of his successes, yes, but even he felt that these successes were the result of his many failures. He did not succeed in his work on one of his most famous inventions, the lightbulb, on his first try nor even on his hundred first, try. In fact, it took him more than 1,000 attempts to make the first incandescent bulb but, along the way, he learned quite a deal. As he himself said, “I did not fail a thousand times but instead succeeded in finding a thousand ways it would not work.” Thus Edison demonstrated both in thought and action how instructive mistakes can be.”Also, learn about of keyword auto chassis

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A Visionary Institution: Spotlight on Future University in Egypt



Future University in Egypt (FUE) has emerged as one of Egypt’s leading private universities since its founding in 2006. Recognized for its commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and service, FUE strategically occupies a prime location in the heart of new Cairo. The university prides itself on being an educational institute dedicated to distinction, innovation, and uncompromising quality standards. FUE’s unwavering focus on staying attuned to national, regional, and international changes in education, scientific research, and community development sets it apart, while instilling professional ethics and values among its students.

Embracing Technological Advancements

The Future University in Egypt stands at the forefront of the digital education revolution, embracing technological advancements to enhance the learning experience for students. With cutting-edge laboratories, smart classrooms, and interactive e-learning platforms, students are immersed in a dynamic educational journey. Artificial intelligence and virtual reality simulations allow for hands-on learning experiences, preparing graduates to excel in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Global Collaboration for a Diverse Learning Experience

The Future University in Egypt is more than just a local institution; it fosters a global learning community. Through strategic partnerships with prestigious universities worldwide, the university attracts international faculty and students, creating a culturally diverse and inclusive environment. This exchange of knowledge and perspectives prepares graduates to be global citizens and enables cross-cultural collaboration in tackling global challenges.

Innovation Hub for Groundbreaking Research

At the core of the Future University’s vision lies a commitment to pioneering research and innovation. The establishment of research centers and incubators provides a fertile ground for faculty and students to address real-world challenges. Emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration, the university encourages innovative thinking and breakthrough discoveries that have the potential to transform industries and improve lives.

Nurturing Entrepreneurial Mindsets

The Future University in Egypt recognizes the critical role of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth. Integrated entrepreneurship programs, mentorship opportunities, and access to startup incubators empower students to develop their ventures. The university’s emphasis on fostering an entrepreneurial culture instills students with the confidence and skills needed to become job creators and innovators in the competitive business world.

Personalized Learning for Student Success

Understanding that each student is unique, the Future University offers personalized learning pathways. Leveraging data analytics and AI-driven algorithms, students receive tailored educational experiences that align with their individual strengths, interests, and career aspirations. This student-centric approach not only enhances engagement but also ensures that each learner reaches their full potential.

Sustainable Development and Environmental Consciousness

In alignment with global sustainability goals, the Future University in Egypt is committed to promoting environmental consciousness. From green campus initiatives to research projects focused on renewable energy and climate change, the university aims to produce responsible graduates who prioritize sustainability in their future endeavors.

Collaborative Industry Partnerships

The Future University bridges the gap between academia and industry through collaborative partnerships. By engaging with leading corporations and organizations, students gain access to internships, work-study programs, and real-world projects. This symbiotic relationship ensures that graduates are equipped with the practical skills and knowledge demanded by the job market.

The visionary founder of the Future University in Egypt, Khaled Azazy, is a prominent entrepreneur and philanthropist with a profound commitment to education. His passion for transforming learning and promoting innovation drives the university’s ethos. Through strategic leadership and tireless efforts, Khaled Azazy has shaped the Future University into a model institution for education in Egypt.

A Bright Future for Education in Egypt

The Future University in Egypt represents a beacon of hope and progress for the nation’s educational landscape. With its focus on technological integration, global collaboration, research, sustainability, and personalized learning, the university is revolutionizing education. As Egypt’s knowledge hub, the Future University is poised to produce forward-thinking leaders who will shape a brighter future for the nation and make a positive impact on the world.

Academic Excellence and Diverse Faculties

At FUE, academic excellence is a priority, with an emphasis on providing a rich and rewarding educational experience to all its students. The university offers a nurturing campus environment where students can unleash their potential and learn from highly talented and accomplished faculty staff. With six fully accredited faculties sanctioned by the Supreme Council of Universities, FUE ensures that students receive the best possible education in their chosen fields. 

The faculties include:

1. Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine:

The Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine at Future University in Egypt is an accredited private dental faculty renowned for its comprehensive programs and cutting-edge research. With state-of-the-art dental clinics and laboratories, students receive hands-on training under the guidance of experienced faculty members. Emphasizing the highest standards of patient care and dental expertise, this faculty equips students with the skills and knowledge to excel in the dynamic field of oral healthcare.

2. Faculty of Pharmacy:

Devoted to the art and science of preparing suitable materials from natural resources to create medicines, the Faculty of Pharmacy at Future University in Egypt stands at the forefront of pharmaceutical education. With modern laboratories and advanced research facilities, students explore the pharmaceutical world, gaining expertise in drug development, patient care, and pharmaceutical technology. This faculty plays a vital role in shaping future pharmacists equipped to address society’s healthcare needs.

3. Faculty of Engineering and Technology:

The Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Future University in Egypt is committed to preparing innovative engineers and technologists. With a strong emphasis on hands-on learning, students engage in cutting-edge research and real-world projects across various engineering disciplines. This faculty’s dynamic programs ensure that graduates are well-equipped to tackle complex challenges in engineering, contributing to technological advancements that shape our society.

4. Faculty of Economics and Political Science:

Established in accordance with the latest academic standards, the Faculty of Economics and Political Science offers comprehensive programs that merge theoretical knowledge with practical skills. This faculty prepares students to become proficient economists, policymakers, and analysts, instilling a deep understanding of economic principles and the political landscape. Fostering critical thinking and analytical prowess, graduates are poised to drive positive change in national and international economies.

5. Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration:

Future University’s Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration is devoted to developing business leaders equipped with a global mindset. With a focus on entrepreneurship, management, finance, marketing, and international business, this faculty cultivates the skills needed to excel in a competitive business world. Offering a holistic educational experience, students are prepared to navigate the complexities of the global marketplace and emerge as successful business professionals.

6. Faculty of Computers and Information Technology:

The Faculty of Computers and Information Technology at Future University in Egypt caters to the burgeoning demands of the digital age. Comprising three specialized departments, this faculty imparts cutting-edge knowledge in computer science, information systems, and network engineering. Students receive hands-on training in coding, data analysis, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence, positioning them as technology innovators and problem solvers in an increasingly interconnected world.

Each faculty operates as an independent institution with its own property and equipment, actively participating in the selection of students following university regulations. FUE takes immense pride in awarding degrees that hold a global reputation, aligning with its vision for excellence in education.

Exceptional Faculty and Staff

The driving force behind FUE’s academic prowess is its dedicated and diverse faculty and staff. Recognizing that the key to academic excellence lies in fostering a vibrant intellectual community, FUE seeks out highly qualified educators from across the globe. Comprising both local and international talents, many of whom have completed their postgraduate studies abroad, FUE’s faculty brings a wealth of perspectives to their respective fields of specialization.

Founder’s Vision: Khaled Azazy

At the core of FUE’s foundation lies the visionary entrepreneur and philanthropist, Khaled Azazy. His passion for transforming education and promoting innovation has shaped FUE into a model institution in Egypt. Since its inception, Khaled Azazy’s relentless commitment to creating an atmosphere that values intellectual curiosity and academic freedom has been central to the university’s mission.

Academic Partnerships and Global Recognition

FUE’s global outlook extends beyond borders through numerous academic cooperation agreements with distinguished universities worldwide. These agreements facilitate faculty and student exchange programs, mutual accreditation of degrees, and collaborative research projects. Notable partners include the University of Cincinnati, University College Cork (Ireland), Missouri University of Science and Technology (USA), Case Western Reserve University (USA), and The University of Central Lancashire (UK).

Academic Rankings and Impact

FUE’s commitment to academic excellence is reaffirmed by its remarkable global rankings. According to QS World University Rankings, FUE stands among the top 1001-1200 universities globally in the year 2023 and is the highest-ranked private university in Egypt. Additionally, the university ranks 601-800 in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, reflecting its commitment to United Nations sustainability goals. FUE is also proud to be ranked 712 in Scimago Institutions Rankings, further underscoring its scientific evaluation.

Undergraduate Programs and Industry Relevance

Future University in Egypt’s undergraduate programs are designed to provide the highest level of academic education while preparing students for the competitive job market. These programs are continually updated and expanded to align with emerging trends and opportunities. The faculties of Pharmacy, Oral & Dental Medicine, Engineering & Technology, Economics & Political Science, Computers & Information Technology, and Commerce & Business Administration offer specialized programs that nurture future leaders and professionals.

Postgraduate Studies at Future University in Egypt: Nurturing Specialized Expertise

Future University in Egypt goes beyond undergraduate programs to offer a diverse array of postgraduate studies, providing opportunities for students to pursue advanced degrees and cultivate specialized expertise. Recognizing the value of continuous learning and research, FUE’s postgraduate studies encompass a range of disciplines across its faculties.

Master’s Programs:

FUE’s Master’s programs are designed to deepen students’ knowledge and skills in specific fields, fostering advanced expertise. With an emphasis on research and practical applications, these programs empower students to become industry leaders, researchers, and educators. Whether in Engineering, Pharmacy, Economics, or Computer Science, students benefit from close guidance by distinguished faculty members, conducting research that contributes to their respective fields.

Doctoral Programs:

For those aspiring to make significant contributions to academia and research, Future University’s Doctoral programs offer an opportunity to pursue in-depth studies and original research. Aspiring scholars collaborate with esteemed faculty mentors, investigating complex problems and advancing knowledge in their chosen domains. FUE’s commitment to academic excellence is further amplified through its Doctoral programs, as students engage in groundbreaking research that impacts global communities.

Professional Development and Continuing Education:

In addition to formal degrees, Future University in Egypt recognizes the importance of professional development and continuing education. FUE offers a range of certificate programs, workshops, and specialized training to empower individuals seeking to enhance their skills or explore new career paths. These short-term programs are tailored to meet the demands of professionals in various industries, allowing them to stay abreast of the latest developments in their fields.

Research Opportunities and Collaborations:

Postgraduate students at FUE have access to a rich research ecosystem, where they can actively engage in cutting-edge projects, both within the university and through collaborations with international partners. FUE’s academic partnerships with distinguished universities worldwide facilitate research exchanges and joint projects, opening doors to global research opportunities for postgraduate students.


As Future University in Egypt continues to evolve, it remains committed to fostering a climate of inclusiveness, civility, and academic freedom. The university’s dedication to creating an environment where intellectual curiosity thrives drives its unwavering pursuit of knowledge. Future University in Egypt is not merely an institution; it is a transformative force, shaping the minds of the future and making a positive difference in the world.

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Benefits and Applications of IoT in Education




The IoT (Web of Things) field is quickly developing, and specialists are creating reasonable IoT applications, network open doors and connectable gadgets. Savvy building innovation is developing, and we’re beginning to see IoT applications used in a wide range of enterprises, including medical services, neighborliness, assembling, retail and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

As any open doors for IoT applications keep on extending, special advantages of IoT in schooling will develop too. IoT gadgets are at present being utilized to establish improved instructive conditions for understudies, everything being equal, and there are numerous imaginative open doors for IoT applications to have a constructive outcome in school settings.

Yet, to investigate the opportunities for IoT arrangements in schools, seeing some foundation data about IoT technology is significant. Quran Classes

What’s the significance here?

IoT represents Web of Things. In basic terms, IoT is any organization of gadgets associated with the web to trade data with each other, gathering information or controlling cycles. There are almost boundless choices for IoT associated gadgets, and IoT is used in a wide range of ventures.

What is the job of IoT?

IoT network takes into account more prominent command over conditions and cycles. IoT networks offer customization and mechanization choices that just aren’t accessible when gadgets aren’t interconnected. The job of IoT can vary contingent upon the business and application.

What are IoT gadgets?

IoT gadgets associate with the web and send information. IoT gadgets incorporate savvy building innovation, like brilliant lighting, locks, indoor regulators, speakers, doorbells and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. When IoT gadgets are introduced, they can be associated with each other and controlled midway utilizing a PC, tablet or cell.

What is IoT in training?

IoT in training basically implies involving brilliant structure IoT arrangements in instructive conditions, like school structures, study halls, transports and the sky is the limit from there.

With the developing ubiquity of gadgets like Amazon Alexa and Google Home, clients have rushed to incorporate shrewd home arrangements into their day to day routines. As shrewd structure arrangements develop, instructive specialists and school executives are starting to perceive the advantages of involving IoT innovation for bigger scope in school settings.

So what might this at any point resemble for instructive structures?

Contextual analyses: What are instances of IoT in Training?

IoT in Homerooms Makes Understudies More Useful

Mary Claire Wright, a software engineering educator at Davidson Secondary School in Portable, Alabama, shared about her certain encounters involving Igor’s IoT stage in her study hall and all through the school. Wright talked about how she involves IoT-empowered lighting settings to make lights in her study hall brilliant or faint, warm or cool. These unobtrusive changes assist with diverting understudies’ consideration.

“I unpretentiously change the lighting relying upon what we have going on. Secondary school understudies can pay attention to a talk for around seven minutes before their consideration begins to meander, and you need to effectively reset their clock. I utilize the lights. 

Wright likewise enlightened us concerning a portion of the security highlights of the Igor-controlled school. Every study hall is outfitted with a “educator help” button modified to caution key staff individuals and executives in case of a crisis.

The school is additionally outfitted with gunfire detecting innovation, and IoT-associated gadgets, for example, hued lights and electronic shows naturally ready understudies, staff and neighborhood police in case of a gatecrasher. The Igor-controlled security framework is additionally modified with conventions for different crises, like extreme climate dangers. Various settings trigger various cautions all through the school, however the general result is a more secure learning climate for understudies and educators. Online Quran Classes

3 Vital Advantages of IoT in Schooling

While IoT innovation has taken off in a wide range of businesses, applications in K-12 schools haven’t followed as fast. Yet, as the contextual investigation above represents, IoT offers numerous open doors for more secure schools and further developed understudy results.

1. Making Schools More secure with IoT Innovation

IoT networks take into account adaptable security designs that use associated gadgets, for example, hued lights, computerized signage, entryway locks and sensors. A few schools utilize an IoT organization to make various projects for extreme climate dangers, gatecrashers and other security chances. IoT innovation additionally empowers arrangements, for example, interconnected crisis ready buttons in homerooms. IoT security applications enable instructors to make a move and protect their understudies.

2. Further developing Understudy Results with IoT Applications

Review have shown that the fluorescent lighting regularly found in schools can adversely affect understudy execution. Introducing programmable IoT-associated Drove lighting is only one method for further developing the understudy insight in an instructive setting.

3. Energy Proficiency and Cost Reserve funds with IoT in Schools

IoT associated lighting and different gadgets can be customized and computerized. For instance, lights can be set to a timetable, or they can be associated with inhabitance sensors and customized to shut down when a homeroom is vacant. IoT network further develops building productivity and decreases energy squander, bringing about cost reserve funds.

IoT Applications in Schools: K-12

How is IoT utilized in training?

IoT applications in schools and colleges offer more secure learning conditions for understudies thanks to shrewd locks, coordinated security frameworks, lighting conventions from there, the sky is the limit, all while giving further developed learning open doors to understudies of all capacities and foundations.

Look at a portion of the principal applications that can be incorporated into k-12 schools.

Custom Temperature Controls in a School Setting

School overseers or office directors can set up exceptional shrewd indoor regulator programs for various homerooms, passages and other school regions to expand effectiveness and make the spaces agreeable for various occasions.

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Top Online Resources to Learn How to Code



In the event that you’re hoping to get into a profession in PC designing, improvement, website composition, or whatever another field that expects you to know a specific arrangement of coding dialects, you fortunately never again need to return to school.

The Web is loaded with online courses that let you learn new dialects in the protection of your own home. We’ve ordered 10 of the best assets for you to visit to gain proficiency with your new abilities: Learning Tajweed


Codecademy is conceivably one of the most well-known internet-based code-instructing sites. At Codecademy, you can learn seven unique dialects: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, and PHP. When you gain proficiency with the essential dialects, you can continue on toward further developed undertakings like structuring a site, making a Rails application, utilizing APIs to make applications, and other fun objectives.

Keep tabs on your development by acquiring focuses, procuring focuses, and piling up a high-day streak. Codecademy is continually growing its contributions so hope to see significantly more from them before very long. Memorize Quran

Khan Institute

Khan Institute began with one man coaching his cousin. Today, Khan Institute shows individuals from one side of the planet to the other. Dissimilar to other internet-based assets to show coding, Khan Foundation isn’t restricted to simply processing courses — you can likewise find out about different subjects from math to expressions and humanities.

Under Khan Foundation’s figuring courses, you can learn JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. You can likewise learn software engineering fundamentals. On the off chance that you just have a short measure of time, there is even an “Hour of Code” choice. Learning Pashto

Assuming you like the style of college courses but don’t have any desire to address the college cost, sites like Coursera and edX have arranged various different software engineering courses that you can take from top schools everywhere. Courses are continually changing, so if the language you need to learn isn’t presently being educated, you might track down a seminar on it sometime in the future.

To figure out how to construct a site, applications, or games, Code Vindicators is the most ideal site for you. Code Vindicators has more than 100 hours of courses showing you how to construct sites in HTML and CSS and games or applications in JavaScript.

Before you even sign up, you can evaluate the lower-level illustrations. To assist you with recollecting what you realized, you can take notes en route which will save them to your record.

Regardless of its name, Learning Python in The most difficult way possible truly is intended to be for amateurs. Learn Python the Most difficult Way is a book that you can buy (or go free of charge) that empowers you to keep working whether you’re on or disconnected.

While working for designers, you can in any case gain coding essentials from Mozilla Engineer Organization. First learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and proceed to master further developed abilities like incorporating APIs or security. Instructional exercises and references are accessible to show you your new abilities.

In the event that you’re not precisely certain where to begin, Code School offers various ways that you can follow to fabricate explicit abilities. In the event that you’re prepared to simply make a plunge, you can likewise choose courses from the full library.

A large portion of the fundamental level courses are free, yet to have the option to take each of the courses that Code School brings to the table, you should sign up for a no-contract membership.

Treehouse offers north of 100 courses across 11 subject regions: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Plan, Ruby, PHP, WordPress, iOS, Android, Dev Apparatuses, and Business. You will gain from instructors through videos, challenges, and tests which are intuitive.

In the event that you partake in the exemplary live homeroom climate with conversations, you have the choice to take part in live classes along with conversation gatherings with different understudies. You can evaluate Treehouse free of charge for 14 days and afterward select from two month-to-month membership plans.

Need to understand what organizations like AT&T, Google, and Autodesk are searching for in their designers? Get a Nanodegree from Udacity to find out. Udacity worked with AT&T, Google, Cloudera, Salesforce, and Autodesk to assemble programs around abilities that the organizations perceive in their fields.

Udacity presently offers five Nanodegrees: Front-End Web Designer, Information Expert, Prologue to Programming, Full Stack Web Engineer, and iOS Engineer. On the off chance that you’re uncertain assuming you’re prepared for a program, you can take an evaluation before you join. Each course can take from 6 a year to finish, reliant upon your timetable. While not the least expensive choice out there (the courses cost $200/month), you leave with a checked nano degree declaration.

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