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Park View City A & B Block | Location | Developers & Owners




Park View City is a CDA Supported, lovely private undertaking by Vision Gathering in zone IV of Islamabad. The lodging society has a 400 ft wide Primary Street which awards direct access from the expressway to the general public, moreover, you can likewise get access by means of Kurri Street and Banigala. It’s important for any housing society to build homes with fire door protection to make sure people who want to live know how safe they are if choose to buy a home.

This lodging adventure is well known among financial backers because of its grand perspectives and very good quality offices. It is wanted to give an ideal spot to families who need to reside in a family-accommodating area and a solid spot with a modern vision and impeccable perspectives. Manchester Storage

Park View City Proprietors and Engineers:

Planned by present day design and innovation by Vision Gathering, Park View city has become one of the most searched out lodging social orders in Islamabad. Vision bunch is claimed by Aleem khan, a senior and dynamic individual from PTI. This is the main undertaking of Vision Gathering in Islamabad.

Vision Gathering:

Vision bunch was established in 2012 and from that point forward has achieved extraordinary land projects. In under 10 years, Vision Gathering has aced the land business in Pakistan and set up a good foundation for itself as perhaps of the most solid and dependable creating bunch in the district. Park view by Vision Gathering is a drive taking a stab at greatness by being one of the most overflowing lodging projects in the encompassing. The organization expects to make sumptuous living through different development and metropolitan scene projects in cosmopolitan urban communities. Vision bunch highlights rich feel and current usefulness in the components of their activities that make for helpful and sumptuous living. ecommerce order fulfillment services

Projects By Vision Gathering:

The vision bunch executed a few fruitful tasks with extraordinary artfulness and building works of art in significant urban communities of Pakistan. Following is the rundown of the unmatched undertakings by Vision Gathering:

Park View City NOC:

The No Protest Testament (NOC) of Park View City Islamabad will before long be supported by Capital Improvement Authority (CDA) and designers are investing their full legitimate amounts of energy to get the endorsed status. Becoming legitimate is vital for any lodging society since that will concede the general public the situation with a lawful and supported neighborhood. order processing services

Park View City Islamabad Guide:

As you can see from the guide, Park view City is undeniably situated inverse Bahria Territory at just 15 mins drive from Serena Lodging Islamabad, a 5-minute drive from Bahria Territory and Bani Occasion and a main 1-minute stroll to the lavish green professional flowerbed. It is arranged a 8 km drive from Chak Shahzad through the Recreation area Street and the Kuri Street by means of the course from Kashmir Parkway, Lehtrar Street and Islamabad Interstate.

Access Streets:

Park View City Islamabad can be gotten to through fundamental Jinnah Road from the Malot Street or the 200 feet wide principal access street, whose entrance has been straightforwardly given to the general public from Kurri Street by CDA.

Park View City Absolute Land Region:

Extended across the place that is known for 7000 Kanal with a few private and business hinders, the general public holds a fascination with all standards of society. It is arranged close to Bahria Area encompassed by lavish green environmental factors of Bani Celebration with the most hypnotizing landscapes, 15 minutes from the principal Islamabad city, this general public is the exemplification of extravagance and peacefulness. Park View City Islamabad is situated in the Greenhouse with peaceful perspectives. Our primary entry is from Rawal Chowk side and our door 2 can give you access from Bhara Kahu, The Recreation area View City Islamabad area is to such an extent that it is near every one of the significant objections of the primary city yet away from all the examination of commotion and contamination, going with it an incredible decision to make your extremely durable home. The task is situated on Malot Street with simple access from Kurri Street, 200ft wide street has been endorsed by the CDA to clear a path for the super venture.

Park View City All-inclusive strategy:

The area of the blocks in the general public can be seen on the accompanying guide of the all-inclusive strategy of the entire society:

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زراعة الشعر: الفوائد والتقنيات والتكاليف



Hair transplantation

تعتبر زراعة الشعر في السعودية من الإجراءات التجميلية الهامة التي تلقى رواجا وإقبالاً كبيراً من الأفراد الذين يعانون من مشكلة تساقط الشعر أو الصلع. هذه العملية ليست فقط وسيلة لاستعادة الشعر المفقود، بل هي أيضاً وسيلة لاستعادة الثقة بالنفس وتحسين جودة الحياة بشكل عام. في هذا المقال، سنتناول بشكل مفصل عملية زراعة الشعر في السعودية، فوائدها، التقنيات المستخدمة فيها، والتكاليف المرتبطة بها.

ما هي زراعة الشعر؟

زراعة الشعر هي عملية جراحية تهدف إلى نقل بصيلات الشعر من منطقة في فروة الرأس تعرف بـ”المنطقة المانحة” (عادة ما تكون في مؤخرة الرأس أو الجانبين) إلى منطقة تعاني من التساقط أو الصلع تُعرف بـ”المنطقة المستقبلة”. هذه العملية تُجرى تحت تأثير التخدير الموضعي وتستخدم فيها تقنيات متقدمة لضمان الحصول على نتائج طبيعية ودائمة.

بدأت تقنية زراعة الشعر في منتصف القرن العشرين، حين قام الدكتور نورمان أوريانتش باكتشاف فكرة نقل بصيلات الشعر من منطقة مانحة إلى منطقة مستقبلة. كانت البداية باستخدام تقنية الشريحة (FUT)، حيث يتم إزالة شريحة صغيرة من فروة الرأس وتقسيمها إلى وحدات صغيرة تُزرع في المناطق التي تعاني من الصلع. رغم أن النتائج كانت واعدة، إلا أن تقنية FUT كانت تترك ندوبًا واضحة في المنطقة المانحة مما ادى الى الحاجة لتحسين التقنيات والاساليب المتبعة في عمليات زراعة الشعر.

تطورت بشكل كبير. في التسعينات، حيث ظهرت تقنية الاقتطاف (FUE) كمحاولة لتحسين النتائج وتجنب الندوب الكبيرة التي تتركها تقنية FUT. اعتمدت تقنية FUE على استخراج بصيلات الشعر واحدة تلو الأخرى وزرعها في المناطق المستهدفة، مما قلل  الندوب وسمح بفترة تعافي أسرع. حييث ساهمت هذه التقنية في تحقيق نتائج طبيعية بشكل أكبر وتقليل المضاعفات.

فوائد زراعة الشعر

1. استعادة الثقة بالنفس

أحد أبرز فوائد زراعة الشعر هو استعادة الثقة بالنفس. فقدان الشعر يمكن أن يؤثر بشكل كبير على الصورة الذاتية للفرد، مما يؤدي إلى تدني الثقة بالنفس والقلق الاجتماعي. من خلال زراعة الشعر، يمكن للأفراد استعادة مظهرهم الطبيعي والشعور بالرضا عن مظهرهم الخارجي.

2. تحسين المظهر الخارجي

الشعر يعتبر جزءًا مهمًا من مظهر الإنسان. زراعة الشعر تساعد على استعادة مظهر الشباب والحيوية، وتساهم في تحسين الجاذبية الشخصية. الأشخاص الذين يجرون هذه العملية غالباً ما يشعرون بتحسن في حياتهم الاجتماعية والمهنية.

3. نتائج دائمة وطبيعية

على عكس بعض العلاجات المؤقتة لفقدان الشعر، تقدم زراعة الشعر نتائج دائمة. بصيلات الشعر المزروعة تستمر في النمو بشكل طبيعي مدى الحياة، مما يوفر حلاً دائماً لمشكلة الصلع. كما أن التقنيات الحديثة المستخدمة في زراعة الشعر تضمن نتائج طبيعية لا يمكن تمييزها عن الشعر الأصلي.

4. عدم الحاجة إلى صيانة مستمرة

بعد فترة التعافي، لا يحتاج الشعر المزروع إلى صيانة خاصة. يمكن غسله وقصه وتصفيفه تماماً مثل الشعر الطبيعي، مما يوفر راحة كبيرة للأفراد.

تقنيات زراعة الشعر

1. تقنية الاقتطاف (FUE)

تقنية الاقتطاف (FUE) هي واحدة من أكثر التقنيات شيوعاً في زراعة الشعر. في هذه التقنية، يتم استخراج بصيلات الشعر بشكل فردي من المنطقة المانحة وزرعها في المنطقة المستقبلة. هذه التقنية تتميز بأنها تترك ندوب صغيرة جداً تكون غير مرئية تقريباً، وتتيح فترة تعافي سريعة.

2. تقنية الشريحة (FUT)

تقنية الشريحة (FUT) تتضمن إزالة شريط رفيع من الجلد يحتوي على بصيلات الشعر من المنطقة المانحة، ثم يتم تقطيع هذا الشريط إلى وحدات صغيرة وزرعها في المنطقة المستقبلة. رغم أن هذه التقنية قد تترك ندبة رفيعة في المنطقة المانحة، إلا أنها تتيح زرع عدد كبير من البصيلات في جلسة واحدة.

3. تقنية الروبوت (ARTAS)

تقنية الروبوت (ARTAS) هي تقنية متقدمة تستخدم الروبوت لاستخراج وزرع بصيلات الشعر بدقة عالية. هذه التقنية توفر نتائج دقيقة وتقلل من مخاطر الأخطاء البشرية، مما يضمن الحصول على مظهر طبيعي ومتناسق.

تكلفة زراعة الشعر

عوامل تحديد التكلفة

تتأثر تكلفة زراعة الشعر بعدة عوامل، منها:

  1. عدد البصيلات المزروعة: كلما زاد عدد البصيلات المزروعة، زادت تكلفة العملية.
  2. خبرة الجراح: الجراحين ذوي الخبرة العالية يتقاضون أجورًا أعلى بسبب مهاراتهم وقدرتهم على تحقيق نتائج ممتازة.
  3. نوع التقنية المستخدمة: بعض التقنيات مثل FUE و ARTAS تكون أكثر تكلفة من FUT بسبب المعدات المتقدمة والدقة التي توفرها .

تكاليف زراعة الشعر في السعودية

تكاليف زراعة الشعر في السعودية، تتراوح تكلفة زراعة الشعر بين 10,000 و 25,000 ريال سعودي، حسب العوامل المذكورة أعلاه في المقال. من المهم أن يتم استشارة جراح متخصص لتحديد التكلفة الدقيقة بناءً على احتياجات الحالة الفردية وبناء على التشخيص الذي تم تحديده من قبل الطبيب او المركز الذي سيتم اعتماده.

نصائح لتحقيق أفضل النتائج

  1. اختيار العيادة المناسب: دوما يعتبر البحث عن عيادة ذات سمعة جيدة وتقييمات إيجابية من المرضى السابقين.
  2. اتباع التعليمات الطبية: بعد العملية، يجب اتباع تعليمات الطبيب بدقة لضمان التئام الجروح بشكل صحيح ونمو الشعر المزروع.
  3. الصبر: نتائج زراعة الشعر تحتاج إلى وقت لتظهر بشكل كامل، ويجب الانتظار عدة أشهر لرؤية النتائج النهائية.

زراعة الشعر في السعودية هي إجراء تجميلي مهم يوفر حلاً دائماً لمشكلة فقدان الشعر، مع فوائد عديدة تشمل استعادة الثقة بالنفس وتحسين المظهر الخارجي. بفضل التقنيات المتقدمة المتاحة اليوم، يمكن للأفراد الحصول على نتائج طبيعية ودائمة. ، تتوفر العديد من الخيارات الجيدة لإجراء هذه العملية بتكاليف تتناسب مع الجودة والخبرة المقدمة. إذا كنت تفكر في زراعة الشعر في السعودية، فإن اتخاذ القرار الصحيح واختيار الجراح المناسب هما الخطوتان الأهم لتحقيق النتائج المرغوبة.

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How to Book a plot in Park View City Islamabad?



Park View City Booking Methodology

Park View City Islamabad is one of the most popular lodging improvements in Pakistan that has left an imprint in the land area for its exceptional highlights. The CDA-endorsed restrictive venture is the making of the eminent Vision Gathering, which has conveyed one more undertaking too; Park View City Lahore. PVC Islamabad is situated at an optimal area close to Bani Celebration, inverse Bahria Territory. Park View City has turned into the focal point of fascination for financial backers from the inside and outside the country. Individuals are quick to put resources into this fabulous plan because of its pocket-accommodating plot costs and positive offices. For financial backers’ facilitate, this blog presents total insights regarding the Recreation area View City booking technique so they don’t fall into inconvenience while booking in PVC. capital smart city islamabad location

Park View City Islamabad Propery Subtleties

Give us skim through the venture open doors access the lodging plan prior to digging further into the booking strategy of Park View City. It will assist you with picking your plot admirably according to your monetary arrangement. Park View City brings productive speculation chances by offering various sorts of property. One of the outstanding elements of this task is that its plot costs are reasonable, and installment plans are really helpful for financial backers. Park View City covers a land area of 7000 Kanal, with different blocks offering private and business properties.

Park View City Booking Methodology

Financial backers would rather not get found out in complicated and laborious methods while making their speculations. For that reason the administration of PVC has made a booking cycle that is fast and basic for everybody to follow. The following is the bit by bit manual for the Recreation area View City booking methodology so the clients face no errors and complexities. kingdom valley islamabad Location

Following are the speedy moves toward follow to book your plot in Park View City:

The initial step to putting resources into PVC is visiting a dependable property seller who is approved by the task. Try not to fall into the trick of phony realtors that deny you of your well deserved cash through their deceitful plans. Visit Sky Advertising which is an approved deals and showcasing accomplice of PVC. It is the top land and promoting organization in Pakistan that has been offering its administrations for the beyond 17 years with complete client satisfaction. Our organization gives far reaching rules on putting resources into PVC.

Park View City Booking Methodology

Subsequent to visiting Sky Showcasing, the sales rep will give you the plot booking document of your ideal class and size. The record contains the enrollment structure that you should finish up with all the vital data, including your decision of plot. Remember to peruse all principles and guidelines on the structure. The competitor needs to connect a couple of records with the enlistment structure after they finish it up. The following are the expected archives:

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The subsequent stage in the wake of finishing up the structure is paying the initial installment for your property. The following are the techniques for installment in PVC:

Through Sky Promoting

You can pay your initial investment through our group. We guarantee to make the installment with most extreme obligation.

Through Bank Move

You can likewise move your up front installment through financial administrations. Following are the financial balance subtleties:

Branch: Fundamental Branch, Islamabad (0002)

When the competitor has finished up the structure, connected the expected reports, and presented the initial investment, our group will take their document to the PVC booking office and present the record. On presenting the document, the administration of PVC will give the installment receipt inside 2 to 10 days, affirming that it has gotten the installment of the competitor. The administration of Park View City takes around 20 to 40 days to make your plot document. The competitor can get the document from the booking office through TCS if inside Pakistan. The blog has shared a total rule on the Recreation area View City Booking Methodology, which is very easy to follow by any individual who needs to put resources into the lodging plan. The precondition, nonetheless, is to connect with a solid land organization, for example, Sky Promoting, that makes the interaction a piece of cake for you. Assuming that you actually have any questions with respect to the enlistment strategy, visit the PVC official site or remain tuned to Sky Promoting.

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Which societies are approved by CDA?



Famous CDA-Endorsed Social orders IN ISLAMABAD


The local location of Bahria Town Islamabad highlights columns of indistinguishable houses A Perspective on the Very much Arranged Neighborhood of Bahria Town Islamabad Since it has been created, Bahria Town Islamabad has become perhaps of the most sought-after privileged area in Islamabad. The lodging society traverses a huge region and has been partitioned into nine subdistricts, dispersed all through the metropolitan region of the twin urban communities: Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Alongside private properties, the land undertaking of Bahria Town additionally has humming business and corporate locale. This is one of the fundamental motivations behind why it is currently viewed as one of the top business areas in the capital city of Islamabad. On a side note, you can peruse our definite region guide on Bahria Town Islamabad to get more familiar with the advantages of putting and living in this luxurious area. .Paksitan Blog

BAHRIA Territory

Moved toward a similar improvement design, Bahria Territory has a framework like that found in Bahria Town. Both of these activities are possessed and created by the administration of Bahria Town. Partitioned into two significant subdistricts: Stage 1 and Stage 2, Bahria Area is another exceptionally well-known CDA-endorsed lodging plan in Islamabad. The task likewise partakes in a helpful area and is associated with all significant streets in the city including Islamabad Freeway and Kashmir Parkway, which is currently called Srinagar Thruway. Remember to look at our far reaching region guide on Bahria Territory to realize every one of the critical insights regarding the area.


Frequently alluded to as a ‘city inside the city’, Gulberg is one of the biggest legitimate lodging plans in Islamabad. It has been isolated into two significant sub-areas including Gulberg Residencia, and Gulberg Greens. As the name proposes Gulberg Residencia is simply a lodging plan with private properties including houses, condos, and duplexes. It has been additionally isolated into 22 blocks.  Then again, Gulberg Greens is predominantly founded on farmhouses and the absolute most noticeable business advancements nearby. We’ll become familiar with Gulberg Greens in the following heading of our blog. On a side note, to get more data on Gulberg Islamabad, make a point to peruse our definite region guide on it. Automotive Blog


As we have proactively examined, Gulberg Greens is a profoundly sought-after CDA-supported lodging society in Islamabad, which chiefly contains farmhouses. The whole area looks incredibly gorgeous as it is an unbelievably arranged land project. Gulberg Greens partakes in a prime and focal area on the primary Islamabad Freeway, which further interfaces it to many key regions and milestones in the metropolitan region of the twin urban communities. The land project depends on six blocks, which likewise remember probably the greatest business regions for Gulberg Islamabad. Here is our finished region guide about Gulberg Greens that you can look at for more data on the area.


Model Town in Islamabad has been created in a quiet area of Simply Dam Connection Street. The area is additionally prevalently known as Islamabad Model Town (IMT). It is a CDA-endorsed lodging plan, which makes it one more protected choice for property interest in Islamabad. Model Town is arranged right adjoining Bahria Territory.  Like some other present-day gated local areas, Model Town Islamabad additionally gives protection and security to its occupants. It has likewise been arranged with a lot of metropolitan open spaces to synchronize it with the rich green cityscape of Islamabad impeccably. Offices and conveniences like medical clinics, exercise centers, films, instructive organizations, recreational areas, and masjids have all been remembered for the groundbreaking strategy of this lodging improvement. Assuming that you will find out about this upscale area, look at our definite region guide about Islamabad Model Town. SEO Company Islamabad


Outfitted with very much clear streets and all current offices, Park View City is one more choice to consider in the event that you are searching for a protected land interest in Islamabad. It is a CDA-endorsed lodging society. As per the subtleties uncovered by partners of Park View City, it is a huge lodging improvement traversing 5,000 kanals.  The general public is connected with Kuri Street, which further connects it to other key territories in the metropolitan region. It additionally shares limits with Public Zoo-cum Park and Greenhouse. A wall has previously been raised that goes about as a blockade between the general public and its adjoining public backwoods region. A whole block in this lodging society has been held for abroad financial backers.

SOAN Nurseries

Another extremely well-known CDA-endorsed lodging society in Islamabad is Soan Nursery. It has the absolute best instructive foundations in the city including schools and universities. Likewise, the region is extremely well known for its best-in-class clinical offices. Spreading over more than 2,900 channels, it is likewise a huge lodging improvement generally founded on private properties and a couple of famous business regions. Soan Nurseries is connected with Islamabad Interstate through Soan Road. It is likewise around 18 kilometers from Zero Point Islamabad. Attributable to its helpful area and accessibility of key offices, Soan Nurseries is one more great choice for land interest in Islamabad These were probably the most well-known CDA-supported lodging plans for safe property interest in Islamabad. On a side note, in the event that you are a business financial backer in the capital city, you ought to be familiar with Zameen Pro Shopping center. The task is endorsed by undeniably concerned specialists and is one of the best property adventures by Zameen Improvements. Zameen Pro Shopping center is a huge scope blended-use improvement, which is good to go to rise up out of the ideal spot of DHA Stage 2 Islamabad. To study this momentous undertaking, read our point-by-point post on Zameen Expert Shopping center — the following enormous retail objective in Islamabad. Remain tuned to Zameen’s blog to continue to peruse the most enlightening property refreshes and the best land websites in Pakistan. You can likewise buy into our email pamphlet to get all our most recent updates.

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